miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013



A) GAP-FILL EXERCISEComplete the sentences using the words listed in the box bellow. Positive and negative forms can be used. Some gaps may have more than one answer.

might           must              should
1°- Nancy said you didn´t need to buy anything for her birthday, but I really think you must at least get her some flowers or a  nice bottle of wine.
2°- Debbie said she was really busy this week, but I think she might show up at the party if she doesn´t have to work overtime on friday.
3°- Nina said she would come over right  after work, so she should be here by 6:00.
4°- Oh my God, he's unconscious. Don't move him- he must have internal injuries. Somebody call an ambulance.
5°- You might be kidding! That can´t be true.
6°- Dan: Where's the remote contrlo? I want to change the channel.
Fiona: I don't know it. It might be under the couch, or, prehaps I absent-mindedly took it into the kitchen. I'll check in there.
7°- We should invite Sally and her husband to come to the picnic on Saturday. We haven´t seen them in weeks, and they must really enjoy a nice day at the beach.
8°- Tim: While I was a student, I spent a year and a half studying Pygmy culture in the Central African Republic. My research focused on unique aspects of the their social structure and religion.
Simona: That might have been absolutely fascinating!
9°- We had better call Tony to see if he´s at home before we go over to his house.
He should be there and we don't want to drive all the way over there for nothing.
10°- I would love to go on the cruise to Tahiti with Robin and Michele. But such a luxurious trip might cost a fortune. I doubt I could afford something like that.

B) Do 8 sentences with: may, might and might have.

1) May I go out to answer the phone, please?
2) May I used your pen, please?
3) We may go to Paris this summer
4) You may be right.
5) It might be a longer route, but it’s much quicker
6) It might rain today.
7) You might have passed the course with good grades.
8) I might have been here, but I was sick.

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