miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Task 6: Must or Have to

Exercise 1:

1) He's broken his leg. he must be in terrible pain.
2) The house is huge. it must be worth a fortune.
3) You've had a long day. you must be very tired.
4) O can´t find my keys. they must be here somewhere.
5) If you missed lunch. you must be hungry.
6) It´s a beautiful city. it must be great living there.
7) Whose is this umbrella?. It must be Sally's
8) How old is William now?. he's older than me so he must be 20
9) What time is it?. It must be six o'clock by now
10) You're not wearing a coat. you must be cold

Exercise 2:

1) I must eat more fruit and vegetables
2) They must enforce the speed limit on this road. it's dangerous
3) You must meet john. let me introduce you
4) You must to the doctor´s if you're not feeling better tomorrow.
5) I must go now. it's getting late.
6) We must redecorate the bedroom. we haven't done it for ages.
7) I must have my hair cut. it's getting really long.
8) I must give sue a call. i haven´t heard from her for ages.
9) We must tidy up the garage. it´s full the rubbish!
10) I must lend you that book, you'll enjoy it.

Exercise 3:


the deadline is tonight. i have to finish it today
i have to go now. my plane leaves in less than two hours.
we have to apply for a visa. we can´t just travel on our passports.
you have to have very good grades to get in, the standart is very high.
everyone has to wear safety shoes in here. health and safety regulations.
every item has to have the barcode posisioned correctly. so that it can be read by the scanner.
you have to score more than 60% in every module to pass the exams.
you have to turn left at the lights. it's a one-way system.
i have to work this weekend, so i can´t come with you.
children have to have a series of vaccionations. before they start school
i'll have to sort that out.
i'll have to get some petrol
you'll have to give me your number.
we'll have to go there
i'll have to get a new one
i'll have to buy her a present
i'll have to call you back
we mustn´t be late. he'll be very angry if we are
you mustn´t wash it in hot water. only cold
you mustn´t tell him. it´s confidential for the moment
you mustn't eat before the tests so you can´t have breakfast
i mustn't forget his birthday. remind me to get a card
i mustn´t waste anymore time on this. i have a lot of other things to do.
you mustn't say things like that. it´s back luck
we mustn´t stay late. i would like an early night
we mustn´t make so much noise. we´ll wake up the neighbours
you mustn´t leave you car there. it´s no parking
**reerange the lines
being a student at university is very
different for being at school. at university you don´t have
to wear a uniform and you don't have to be
there all day every day. but you don't have to work
hard. you have to do a lot
of self study so you do have to be
able to plan your own work. as you live away from home, you also have to be
able to look after yourself.you have to wash
your own clothes and manage your own budget. you quickly learn that you mustn´t spend
all your money on clothes and going out but you have to
buy food and books.
you mustn´t leave your bags unattended. they will be stolen.
you don't have to come if you don't want to.
you mustn't speak to him like that. it's rude.
i mustn´t leave this any longer. it is getting urgent.
you don't have to be there until 8. we have plenty of time.
you don't have to pay by cheque. you can pay only with your credit card.
you mustn't be late for your interview.
we don't have to pay now. we can pay when we get there.
you don´t have to have a visa if you have a European passport
you mustn't make so much noise. you'll wake up the baby

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